You’ve probably heard this before from your financial advisor: “Just reach your magic wealth number, then you’re all set for retirement, you’ll have nothing to worry about.”
Then off you went back to work, day in and day out, to hit that magic number, knowing that if you reached it, you’d have nothing to worry about.
The assumption is that you only have to put a lump sum of your earnings aside and you’ll be fine.
Boy, if that was the only goal you needed to achieve, confidence in your retirement, that would be great… …unfortunately it’s probably not.
As you probably know, the world has changed dramatically in the last few years, completely changing the rules of ways to retire -- without having to worry financially.
When you’re working, you’re getting a paycheck.
Making good money does not necessarily translate into a confident retirement.
The real challenge comes when you retire and need to find ways to turn that lump sum into a steady income.
Without professional help, you may be unsure of the steps to turn that lump sum into a steady, recurring income that will last the rest of your life.
You may, hopefully, live at least another 30 years or more, so your priority should be to create a new retirement plan that creates what I call a margin of preservation, so taxes, world events, the stock market and other nasty surprises don’t steal a big chunk of your wealth – cutting into your cash flow, draining your hard-earned capital.
Here are three blind spots you may need to know to help avoid continuing to work and not being able to retire with confidence.
Blind Spot #1: “I’ve saved up plenty of cash and investments, that should cover me and my family for years to come”
In my opinion, that might work in the short term, but probably not long term. Of course, you’re a professional and you’ve done very well for yourself over the years building your wealth.
But here’s the big shift to consider: wealth building and retirement planning are completely different planets all together.
Retirement planning requires a different mindset, instead of “where should I invest my money”, your mindset needs to be: “how can I preserve my downside, while creating multiple streams of income to fund a comfortably lifestyle and take care of my family at the same time”.
That requires a whole different level of experience from someone who understands you and your profession, that can map out a clear and concise plan taking into account a margin of preservation to help preserve your nest egg.
Blind Spot #2: “I’ve always thought it would be financially seamless to transition from my work life to my retirement life”
You would think it would be, wouldn’t it?
That assumes a linear progression and that the world stays on a singular path! Boy, we know that’s not true anymore.
Here's ways you may need to think about it: there’s your pre-retirement phase (when you’re working) and your post-retirement phase (when you’re living off of your wealth).
Both phases require a different mindset, but they need to be linked together. Building capital is one mindset, preserving capital is another mindset.
The first one is fairly straightforward, the second one is more complex, has more variables and has to take into account the unknown.
The transition into a confident retirement requires humbleness and an open mind to work with a retirement professional who truly understands your needs and goals.
Blind Spot #3: “I’m waiting for the right time to start my retirement planning, I’m being indecisive, when I know I shouldn’t be”
If not now, when?
Sure, you can put your retirement on the back burner, but this could leave your portfolio exposed to the risks of the market.
But that doesn’t help protect your downside, giving you a buffer or a cash flow plan to live the retirement lifestyle that you always wanted.
Now may be the time to get a “2nd opinion” on your financial picture, so you can start planning to get off the work “treadmill” and start planning a future that you truly want to enjoy.
Investment advisory products and services made available through AE Wealth Management, LLC (AEWM), a Registered Investment Advisor.
Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal.

In this book, you will learn...
- Ways to become comfortable and confident with planning your future
- The impact that financial freedom can bring you and your loved ones
- How proper retirement planning can help you avoid stress and uncertainty
- How a good financial planner can help you obtain a recurring income and solid future
- That you owe yourself a worry-free future doing what you love
About Brandon Morgan
Brandon got his start in the insurance industry in 1989, after graduating from Harding University with a double major in marketing and business management and a Master of Science in financial planning. He became a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and purchased Bradshaw & Weil, Inc. in 1997.
“I like helping retirees and pre-retirees achieve a confident, comfortable retirement, so they can chase their dreams,” Brandon says.
Early on, Brandon understood that traditional retirement methods weren't foolproof, and he wanted to find a solution that would help his clients. His focus is on creating a customized plan for each individual or family that meets their specific retirement needs and desires using a combination of investments, annuities and life insurance.
Originally from Marshall County, Brandon has called Paducah home since 2006. Away from the office, Brandon is likely spending time with his wife, Janet, and twin daughters, Jenna and Allie. You can also often find him at the gym, golfing or watching a game. Brandon and his family are members of Broadway Church of Christ.
Retire With Clarity & Confidence highlights 10 blind spots you should know to avoid worrying about your retirement. This book discusses the importance of financial freedom and how proper planning can help you achieve your dreams, create recurring income, and leave behind a legacy that you can be proud of.
*The strategies highlighted in this book, and in Brandon Morgan's investment advisory practice, are not exclusive to physicians and the physician profession. The concerns and situations referenced in this book, referring to physicians and the physician profession, may apply to anyone seeking retirement planning advice.
Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, and CFP® (with plaque design) in the U.S., which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board's initial and ongoing certification requirements. 4526300 - 2/25
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